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‘Ready to go on day one’ Brooke Lierman and experienced Republican Barry Glassman vie in Maryland comptroller’s

October 26, 2022

With a lead in the polls and Election Day a mere two weeks away, Brooke Lierman may be staring down a seat in the state comptroller’s office. “I think my record of getting things done, you know, stands apart from many others and demonstrates to Marylanders that I will be ready to go on Day One,” she said in an interview. A civil and disability rights attorney and mother of two elementary-aged children, Lierman is finishing her second term as a Maryland state delegate, where she co-chairs a Special Joint Committee on Pensions and has served on the House Appropriations Committee. She practices procurement law, representing blind-owned businesses with federal contracts. Her battle for the office with Harford County Executive Barry Glassman, a Republican, may be the closest of the three statewide races for governor, attorney general and comptroller.

Article Source: Baltimore Sun

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