Thursday, March 13, 2025 | Baltimore, MD

Maryland’s got a math problem: How will it fill a $3B structural deficit?

March 14, 2024

Whether Marylanders go to their favorite salon for a shampoo and blowout, or take their dog to the groomer for a fluffy new look, they could be paying more under a proposal from a state lawmaker. Del. David Moon, the House Majority leader in Annapolis, told the Ways and Means Committee this week he had been keeping a “nervous eye” on the state’s fiscal outlook, and said his plan to cut the sales tax from 6% to 5% but add taxes to a range of services, is a needed “conversation starter.” Moon, who found his bill facing a long list of opponents in Annapolis, said, “I’m not an economist, but I can do some basic math.”

Article Source: WTOP

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