Monday, February 24, 2025 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD

Around Maryland

Attorney says city’s new conditions could ‘destroy’ affordable housing project

Frederick’s Board of Alderman imposed new conditions on Thursday that could derail an affordable housing project at Wormans Mill. Bruce Dean, a lawyer representing the developer, said in an interview on Friday that the conditions “could very well destroy the economic viability of the project.” The Wormans Mill apartment project calls for 315 multifamily units and 5,000 square feet of commercial space near Md. 26 and U.S. 15.

Howard County residents band together to protest chemical company

A few dozen Howard County residents protested Friday afternoon outside the headquarters of W.R. Grace & Co. in Columbia in response to the chemical company looking to build a pilot plastics recycling plant close to their homes. They worry about the air quality and byproducts of recycling plastic, known as forever chemicals, finding their way into the water supply.

Former city planning chair appointed to Frederick County Planning Commission

Barbara Nicklas, the former chair of the city of Frederick’s Planning Commission, was confirmed on Tuesday to a vacant seat on the Fredrick County Planning Commission. The vacant seat was previously held by Robert White, whose term was set to expire on June 30, 2027. Joel Rensberger, the chair of the Frederick County Planning Commission, said in an interview on Aug. 21 that White’s departure was announced in May.

Baltimore County lawmakers demand ‘answers and transparency’ on proposed 70-mile power line

Six state senators and 12 delegates representing Baltimore County have written Maryland’s power grid operator to demand more transparency about its plan for a 70-mile power transmission line that would slice through Baltimore, Carroll and Frederick counties. The bipartisan group of legislators is also asking PJM Interconnection, which manages the power grid for Maryland and several other states, why it cannot use existing lines and infrastructure for the $424 million project, instead of building new lines that will cut through farmland, wineries, and homes.

After winning 6 state football titles in Prince George’s Co., coach DaLawn Parrish heads south for new journey

DaLawn Parrish recalled receiving a call during a football practice from John Kelley, the head coach of Quince Orchard High School in Montgomery County, Maryland. As they spoke, Kelley questioned Parrish, the coach for Dr. Henry Wise Jr. High School, on the late times for his practices. After explaining the late bell schedule and giving the players 20 minutes to change before practice, Parrish was surprised to hear his coaching rival was away from his players.

Read More: WTOP
In Baltimore’s Curtis Bay, sooty air pollution is on par with that on major highways, study finds

Air pollution in South Baltimore’s Curtis Bay — a residential area surrounded by industrial facilities — is on par with pollution near major highways and the city’s downtown area, according to a new study by the University of Maryland and other collaborators. The study, published last week in the Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, focused on the prevalence of black carbon in Curtis Bay and other pollution hot spots in the region.

Read More: Baltimore Sun

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