Monday, March 10, 2025 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD

Around Maryland

They were convicted of crimes. But police officers don’t have to forfeit their pensions in Maryland

Before voting to approve a $60,000 settlement with a man the Gun Trace Task Force arrested in 2016, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby asked whether members of the corrupt plainclothes unit who robbed citizens and planted guns on people were still eligible to collect their pensions. Deputy City Solicitor Ebony Thompson said she was not sure.

Hogan’s plan for Beltway and I-270 toll lanes wins key federal approval

Federal authorities issued their final environmental approval Thursday for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s project to widen the Beltway and Interstate 270, delivering a major milestone for an infrastructure project estimated to cost about $5 billion. The step is a requirement for the project to receive federal funds, and it opens the way for Maryland to sign a 50-year contract to build and manage toll lanes along the congested highways. It also begins a five-month clock for opponents of the project to file legal challenges.

Annapolis Planning Commission throws up roadblocks for affordable housing project

The Annapolis Planning Commission sent the developers of an affordable housing community back to the drawing board last week after requesting a near complete overhaul of the project. The board’s wide-ranging but at times vague criticisms frustrated the developers as well as area housing advocates, who worry that further delays could jeopardize the project and discourage other developers from building income-restricted housing in Annapolis.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
37. #PodcastRow at MACO2022 with Carver Chiu

In episode 37 of The Lobby, Damian comes to you live from the biggest lobby in Maryland, the MACo Summer Conference in beautiful Ocean City. This is part 3 of a multi-part series with leaders from around Maryland at the biggest gathering of elected officials and insiders in the state.

Council members differ in response to Sugarloaf owner

The seven-member Frederick County Council is divided about whether to amend the Sugarloaf Mountain preservation plan to appease the mountain’s owner. Stronghold, the owner, has requested that the county remove the organization’s land from a proposed overlay zoning district meant to govern and restrict development. Its board members decided they will close the mountain to the public if the County Council approves a plan that Stronghold opposes.

Johns Hopkins University police force town halls set for September following early lifting of ‘two-year pause’

The Johns Hopkins University police force is moving to the fore again. The Baltimore university pledged in 2020 to halt the hotly-contested creation of a private police force following the police killing of George Floyd and the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests that ensued. Hopkins came under fire a year later when it announced the hiring of Branville Bard Jr. to lead the department. The announcement came at a time when most students were not on campus.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
With the start of school days away, Anne Arundel reports remaining openings for 300 teachers, 67 bus drivers

As the start of the school year approaches, Anne Arundel County Public Schools is short 300 teachers, 67 bus drivers, 222 food service workers, 81 custodians and 57 crossing guards. School staff provided an update to the Board of Education on Wednesday afternoon, saying the system will serve 84,000 children across 125 school facilities when classes start Monday.

Read More: Baltimore Sun

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