Jovay Sweeney, a 21-year-old Hyattsville, Md., resident with cerebral palsy, had been making good progress toward someday living on her own. She had practiced answering questions for a job interview, and learned how to dress for a job, too. But when the coronavirus pandemic forced the D.C. region to shut down in-person schooling, Sweeney’s learning nearly stopped, said her mother, Karen Sweeney. More than two years later, the family is hoping a local nonprofit’s program can help make up for lost time.
Maryland’s access to counsel in evictions program readies to launch with new funding
Maryland’s access to counsel program for low-income renters facing eviction has won two years of funding, a victory for advocates who have been anxious to offer stronger legal support to tenants amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is set to receive $12 million allocated as part of the coming fiscal year’s budget. Another $14 million is planned for the 2024 fiscal year, an amount that lawmakers set aside from the state’s abandoned property fund.