Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Baltimore, MD


Worried about climate change? You can plug into these local efforts to help turn the tide.

The Washington region just had its most intense September heat wave on record, and climate disasters fill our news media. If you’re looking to turn your anxiety into productive and empowering action, there are many effective local- and state-level opportunities that Washington region residents can tap into. This post provides a list of action opportunities rooted in the fact that making our cities, suburbs, and towns more livable, inclusive, and vibrant is one necessary area of climate action.

Math exam
Ingenuity Project director: Reports on math proficiency at Baltimore’s top high schools just don’t add up

Recent reporting from Fox45 on math proficiency at Baltimore City’s top high schools is not only misleading to the public, but also a gut punch to the administrators and teachers who work tirelessly every day to ensure their students are prepared for what lies ahead after graduation. The sensationalized headline read: “At Baltimore’s five best high schools, 11% of students tested proficient on state math exam.” That would be horrifying — if it were true.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Crop kids doing homework on table
Interim superintendent brings opportunity to raise student performance

Maryland educators and families are seeing big changes. Carey Wright, the former Mississippi schools chief who oversaw dramatic gains in student performance during her nine years on the job, has been appointed interim state superintendent of education. She is a former Maryland teacher, principal and school administrator who is known for her ability to build consensus and improve teaching and learning.

Health equity means healthy babies and healthy moms. Why every state should follow Maryland’s lead

Today marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, an urgent reminder that we need to do everything we can to protect pregnant people and children, including undocumented mothers and their unborn babies. A new policy solution gives this often-overlooked part of the population hope. Last year, Maryland enacted a new law — the Healthy Babies Equity Act — that provides comprehensive health care coverage to pregnant people regardless of immigration status.

Dan Rodricks: Following his passion for cooking from Baltimore to Paris and a culinary career

What was it that Joseph Campbell said? “Follow your bliss.” It became a catchphrase in the 1990s after Campbell, the author and mythologist, gave an interview to Bill Moyers on PBS. “If you follow your bliss,” Campbell said, “you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.”

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Protect state agencies — including Maryland’s —from the war on science

There has been no shortage of examples in recent years of politicians attacking science in order to further their personal agendas. It can range from Gov. Andrew Cuomo suppressing data about COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes to a California state agency improperly approving oil-drilling permits without an appropriate water quality review, the subject of a recent lawsuit.

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When it comes to Billie Holiday, we still have a lot to learn

Tanea Renee, the star of “Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill,” says she had some guiding principles in preparing for the role of Billie Holiday, who’s life and career is the subject of the play. “I decided not to focus on the fact that she was an icon,” Renee told me. “I focused on what we have in common as a woman and an artist,” said the Baltimore native, who has moved back after more than a decade living in New York.

Dan Rodricks: In an Israeli sister city to Baltimore, residents react to sirens and Hamas rockets

Ashkelon, the Baltimore Jewish community’s sister city in Israel, sits just 8 miles north of the Gaza Strip, and the relentless rocket attacks of Hamas’ latest and deadliest terror campaign are far from the first to hit the coastal community. Two years ago, a rocket landed in Sigal Ariely’s living room and destroyed her home while she took cover in a bomb shelter.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
camden yards, baltimore, maryland
Baltimore and the Birds: OK, that one hurt

Ouch. Know someone who seems miserable right now? We mean really, really unhappy, and they showed no signs of pain before, let’s say, Saturday and Sunday and especially Tuesday evening? Is it possible they’ve recently damaged a television screen? Have they stopped wearing certain orange and black attire around the house? Do they mutter words like “sweep” or “stupid Rangers” or “wild card teams have an unfair advantage” without further explanation?

Read More: Baltimore Sun

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