Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Baltimore, MD


Cummings: Learning to find beauty in the changing climate

When I was growing up on the streets of west Baltimore — where there are no trees to climb — we crawled through dumpsters for fun. In autumn and winter, when the air was crisp and still, we rolled up our sleeves and pushed forward. My father caught me once. Suspended waist-deep in filth, I hadn’t heard the car engine as I closely examined what looked to be a perfectly good box of Captain Crunch. The sound of “Kenny!” shouted from the driver’s side window, shot through me like a slap. A year later we moved to a tiny house on a tree-lined street in the county. It was a revelation.

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Opinion: Time to reevaluate massive gas utility infrastructure spending

The big spike in gas utility bills that Maryland residential customers should expect this winter is just the tip of the iceberg. Without major policy changes, customers will see huge increases in their gas bills in the years and decades to come. These looming increases are not because of the cost of gas itself, the source of this winter’s bill hikes, but because of the gas utilities’ massive spending on their local distribution systems — the pipes, concrete, computers, and other infrastructure that utilities use to deliver gas. A report my office is releasing this week shows that the utilities are on track to spend tens of billions of dollars replacing their entire local distribution systems and expanding pipeline capacity, with the state’s largest gas utility this year spending at a rate of more than $1.2 million per day.

Maryland senator: Larry Hogan is a man without a moral compass

The widely watched hearings of the congressional Jan. 6 committee have turned Wyoming’s Liz Cheney into America’s most visible anti-Trump Republican leader. But Cheney still has some serious competition for that recognition — from Maryland’s Republican governor Larry Hogan. Hogan is now finishing up his second and final gubernatorial term in Annapolis. He’s been outspokenly anti-Trump for far longer than Cheney, and his attacks on Trump have gone far beyond the crimes committed on January 6. This past May, in a California address, Hogan blasted Trump’s White House stint as “the worst four years for the GOP since the 1930s, even worse than after Watergate.”

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Opinion: Heather Mizeur for U.S. House of Representatives, in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District

U.S. Rep. Andy Harris, the 65-year-old anesthesiologist and former Baltimore County state senator who backs Donald Trump’s fraudulent election claims, once pledged to serve no more than six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. Given that he is winding up that sixth term in the 1st Congressional District, it’s time to hold him to that long-ago promise. Fortunately, voters have an outstanding choice to replace Harris. Heather R. Mizeur, the Democratic nominee, has campaigned on a trait wholly foreign to her opponent: She has promised to listen, and she has our endorsement.

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Student loan forgiveness good for country

A recent letter to The Baltimore Sun (”Student loan bailout a slap in the face,” Sept. 26) has stayed on my mind. I’ve heard the sentiment that was expressed in the letter so many times lately. I understand the writer’s view, and I’m not unsympathetic. My wife and I scrimped and saved to pay college tuitions for our kids just like the writer. But I’m for loan forgiveness. Not because it will benefit me, my wife or my sons, but because I believe that removing the onerous burden of those loans from millions of my fellow citizens will be good for our country.

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Conflicts of interest, real and perceived, are best avoided

The thing about a potential conflict of interest is that, if you are concerned enough to ask yourself the question, you usually know the answer. Often, the answer is yes, there's a problem. Conflicts can arise in any profession. Journalists recognize this as clearly as anyone. The Society of Professional Journalists, the nation’s largest and most broad-based journalism organization, has a code of ethics for journalists to consider when making decisions related to their work. One principle, in the category of “Act Independently,” says journalists should: “Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.

Perez: No transparency in the toll lanes traffic modeling

On Aug. 25, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) announced the federal approval of the Toll Lanes Project for the Capital Beltway and Interstate 270, and stated that experts at the U.S. Department of Transportation found baseless the allegations of possible fraud in the traffic modeling calculations for the project. A close look at the federal approval documents, including what the experts found, tells a different story, however. Only a memo to file, written by the Maryland Division of the Federal Highway Administration, claims that the experts did not find fraud in the toll lanes traffic model. None of the findings reported by the experts support that claim. The experts, who operate separately at the USDOT Volpe Center, did not draw any conclusions on the allegation against the integrity of the traffic calculations.

Opinion: Anthony Brown for Maryland Attorney General

Marylanders were fortunate this year in that both candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for attorney general during the primary race were highly qualified. Each also stood to break a barrier as being the first elected to that statewide office if victorious in November: retired Baltimore District Court Judge Katie Curran O’Malley as the first woman, and U.S. Rep. Anthony Brown as the first African American. While we endorsed O’Malley in the primary contest, we are not in the least disappointed that Brown won. It was an extremely difficult choice then, and we now enthusiastically put our support behind him in the general election. Anthony Brown has our endorsement.

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Opinion: Brooke Lierman for Maryland comptroller

No woman has ever been elected to the position of Maryland comptroller, a job that essentially amounts to serving as the state’s chief accountant and tax collector. In fact, no woman has ever been elected to statewide office, outside of lieutenant governor — a glass ceiling that can be shattered with the choice of Del. Brooke Lierman to be our next comptroller. Setting that historic opportunity aside, voters can be assured that Lierman is the best qualified person for the job. The 43-year-old Baltimore attorney and mother of two has developed an expertise on state fiscal matters during her two terms in the House of Delegates and a track record in Annapolis of bipartisan consensus building, a skill that’s desperately needed in these politically polarized times.

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Karel: Crime, punishment and redemption in a tough Baltimore neighborhood

The prospect of redemption is a hope dashed time after time, so it is worth celebrating when someone lives a redeemed life after a life of crime — and a decade in a federal penitentiary. That was the life of Rocky K. Brown Sr., who died Aug. 8 in Baltimore at 68. His stature in the community is clearly evidenced by two murals in East Baltimore’s Bocek neighborhood, which he helped transform after his stint in prison. A dramatic, two-story mural adorns the side of a rowhouse just off Monument Street, the major east-west thoroughfare bisecting the neighborhood. Brown’s likeness stares intently into the distance as a lion looms over his shoulder. The mural was created in 2018 by artists Elise Victoria and Justin Nethercut of the Baltimore-based Arts & Parks organization. The pair painted a similar image of Brown’s sister, Maxine Lynch, on a rowhouse at the other end of the block.

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