Friday, March 7, 2025 | Baltimore, MD
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E-bikes deserve their day in the Ocean City sun

September in Ocean City can be a glorious time. The weather is mild, the beach less crowded, and, this year, business owners have the added joy of taking stock of a successful summer season despite the ongoing pandemic (note to Joe: We’re still in it). OC even has a new tagline from their hired influencers on social media: “Enjoy Fall,” which has officially replaced “Enjoy Summer.” September is also apparently a good time to talk about bicycles on the Ocean City Boardwalk, portions of which crews are even now redecking. It’s a longtime transportation issue with a distinctly 21st century twist: Should electric bikes, more commonly known as “e-bikes” be permitted on the boardwalk wherever standard bicycles are allowed?

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Colavito: Embracing your “why” is essential to your marketing messaging

Marketing – we encounter it every day and everywhere it seems. Yet, when developing marketing for our own businesses, knowing what to say and how to say it eludes us. Often tactics come first, like creating a website, social media posts, blogging, and vlogging. But focusing on tactics before developing marketing strategies dilutes the message and misses the targeted customer – your buyer. One of the most successful strategies begins with embracing your “WHY.”

Willick: The First Amendment battle that could transform Big Tech

For a quarter-century, it appeared the law was settled: Silicon Valley’s internet platforms were private companies, full stop, with absolute control over what content to promote or suppress. As the platforms tightened political control over user speech in recent years, conservatives complained about “Big Tech Censorship,” but legal experts scoffed. Scoffing will no longer suffice. Supposedly settled law can be altered when its political foundation erodes. Liberals now take a dimmer view of free speech than they did at the dawn of the tech era, while conservatives take a dimmer view of corporate power. That has created an opening for a frontal assault on the rules that govern America’s digital public square. Now the Supreme Court is being asked to weigh in.

iphone, smartphone, apps
Wesolowski: The proof is in the numbers: 988 will save lives

For too long, there hasn’t been an easy, safe way for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts or a mental health crisis to get immediate help. Fortunately, that appears to be changing thanks to 988. 988, which became available nationwide earlier this summer, is a dedicated number that anyone can contact for mental health, substance use and suicidal crises. When Congress and the Federal Communications Commission designated it as an emergency line in 2020, there were questions about why the number was needed and how effective it would be. But now, we have data to support the resource: Demand for help is high, and the number is giving thousands of people the assistance they need.

The threat to Baltimore’s future posed by a single, mummified rat

The late William Donald Schaefer was a controversial four-term mayor (and later two-term governor). Unabashedly pro-business, but socially progressive, he could be mercurial, stubborn and even childish. But one thing he had an absolute genius for was in pushing, scolding, embarrassing and perhaps even, at times, terrorizing a potentially indifferent bureaucracy into prompt action. Esquire magazine famously dubbed him “Mayor Annoyed” for his obsessive attention to detail. But here was the consequence of his toughness: People living in Baltimore could have faith that someone cared about trash that wasn’t picked up or streets that weren’t cleaned or snow that hadn’t been removed.

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Jones: Luminis Health Pathways marks 30 years of service

Luminis Health Pathways has been a beacon of hope for the communities we serve for three decades now. It is the region’s most comprehensive substance use treatment center providing exceptional care for patients seeking help for substance use disorders. It is called Pathways because everyone’s journey to recovery follows a unique path. As we celebrate Luminis Health Pathways’ 30th anniversary this month, it is important to take a look back as we highlight its bright future.

Long Reach Village Center needs an upgrade

I had lived in the Long Reach community for 24 years before I moved to Hickory Ridge, and I have recently moved back to Long Reach. I love this community having been on the village board during the later development phases. Everybody is so welcoming and nice, but one of the biggest disappointments I see is how little has been done to revitalize the Long Reach Village Center, once a viable village center.

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A nurse standing at the ready, wearing scrubs with a MedicAlert ID attached.
Opinion: CareFirst dispute shines light on issues caused by insurance monopoly

A contract dispute between Maryland’s world-renowned and award-winning hospital system, Johns Hopkins, and insurer CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, concerns everyone, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise. Structural problems with the health insurance system are at the root of this dispute, and it’s time we had a conversation about health insurance concentration in Maryland. MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society, has raised concerns about the Maryland health insurance market for years. Several years ago, we proposed legislation simply requesting a study of the insurance concentration in the state, which did not even receive a vote due to CareFirst’s opposition.

Rodricks: 12 questions for Dan Cox had he not refused an interview

I requested an interview with Dan Cox, but, alas, I have been denied access to the Republican candidate for governor of Maryland. His campaign helpers told me they would make time for a talk like the one I had a few weeks ago with Democratic candidate Wes Moore. But, after raising my hopes, there was nothing but silence from the Cox camp. “I’ll take that as No,” I wrote in a Monday email to Sallie Taylor, the candidate’s scheduler. “Yes, you are correct, that is a No,” she replied. I was not surprised. Across the country, Republican candidates are generally avoiding or ignoring mainstream media this campaign season, opting for guaranteed friendly interviews.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Eberstadt: What’s behind the flight from work in post-pandemic America

The reasons for Americans’ growing angst and discontent about their circumstances and prospects are many, but this seemingly new normal is easier to understand when we recognize just how significantly U.S. economic performance has faltered over the past few decades. Since the start of the 21st century, per capita growth dropped to less than half its previous 1950-2000 tempo. With the rate creaking along now at just over 1 percent per annum, incomes would take more than 60 years to double; from 1980-1999, the doubling pace was 31 years. A significant factor in modern America’s slower growth — and the lower expectations it unforgivingly imposes — is the drop-off in work.

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