Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD


The time Colin Powell didn’t let me buy his Volvo

Much has already been written on the life and times of former secretary of state Colin L. Powell, who died Monday. As a high-schooler in Northern Virginia, I looked up to him as the kind of leader I was raised to respect, a beacon of honor and patriotism. But he had something in common with my family and me that had nothing to do with politics: We were all aficionados of old Volvos. I drove my dad’s 1964 cherry-red 544 in our homecoming parade.

100 us dollar banknotes
DeFilippo: Maryland is Putting its Embarrassment of Riches to Work

In the catchpenny world of government finance, having too much money can often be worse than not having enough. It is demonstrably easy to say no when the treasury is empty; but it’s tough to resist temptation when the state is awash in cash. Maryland is suffering an embarrassment of riches. The state cannot lay claim to its sudden wealth due to frugality or prudent investment.

Raising health insurance costs not the way to fight tobacco use

The serious health risks associated with smoking tobacco have been too well established for too long to harbor any doubts about that link. On average, studies show, people who smoke die about 10 years earlier than those who do not. It’s the leading preventable cause of death. And smoking is linked to about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. As a result, virtually any public policy choice — from public education and outreach programs that warn against smoking to state laws banning tobacco sales to teens —can be relied upon to pay enormous public health dividends. Tobacco is linked to about 480,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. That is COVID-19 pandemic territory.

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Untying the ‘white noose’ of Baltimore County

Baltimore County’s proposed redistricting map — which retains six majority-white districts and one majority-Black district, despite the county’s current population being nearly 50 percent nonwhite — arrives in the context of the county’s long history of racist segregation. If accepted, it will lock in racial exclusion for yet another generation.

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Fillmore: Attend, listen, ask questions: lessons from the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs

“The graveyards are full of indispensable men” is a mordant observation traditionally attributed to a French general, Charles de Gaulle, among others. With a shrug we are told there are no indispensable persons. But for the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs there was one: Frank Burd. BCFA was founded in 1980 by a broadly representative and distinguished group of academic, business and community leaders.

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Arias: Workers feel most valued when their employers trust them

Professional workers are more likely to value their own work and feel it contributes to their team’s success when their managers show they trust them, according to a study I recently completed as a part of my unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. I wanted to understand how various types of social capital, such as building trust and creating common values, influence employees’ performance and how they feel about their work.

Buchanan: Lost inside the translation: the story of an audiovisual translator

If you don’t notice my work, it means I’m doing my job properly. I’m an audiovisual translator, which means that I write the subtitles for films in other languages. There is something about the anonymity of the work that appeals to me. As Bruce Goldstein, director of repertory programming at New York’s Film Forum, put it in “The Art of Subtitling,” “Good subtitles are designed to be inconspicuous, almost invisible.”

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Redlining Revisited

New research suggests that discriminatory lending practices that disadvantaged Black homeowners, popularized with the term “redlining,” preexisted and were much more widespread than the color-coded maps that gave rise to the term. A new research paper written by Price V. Fishback, Jonathan Rose, Kenneth A. Snowden and Thomas Storrs and published by the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that while the infamous maps created by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) in the late 1930s were shared with the Federal Housing Administration, the latter agency had implemented its own discriminatory practices based on city-block level data independent of the HOLC maps.

Dan Rodricks: Will Marilyn Mosby’s shift in prosecution priorities make a dent in Baltimore’s murder rate?

As of Thursday morning, there had been 2,259 homicides in Baltimore during the nearly seven years Marilyn Mosby has been the city’s top prosecutor; that’s an average of around 322 murders a year since 2015. During the four years previous, when Gregg Bernstein was Baltimore state’s attorney, the city averaged 215 homicides a year. I make the comparison only because, as she campaigned to unseat Bernstein in the 2014 Democratic primary, Mosby criticized him as ineffective and blamed him for the relatively modest increase in city violence, from 197 homicides in 2011 to 211 in 2014.

Read More: Baltimore Sun

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