Kurtz: Will Offshore Wind Industry’s Coming Out Party Include Franchot?

The offshore wind industry in Maryland is having a coming-out party — and not a moment too soon, with the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report from the U.N., released Monday, showing just how endangered every inch of the planet is by global warming. The party began last week at Tradepoint Atlantic, the massive industrial development in eastern Baltimore County, where hundreds of dignitaries, including Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R), came to hear the CEO of US Wind, one of two companies attempting to erect wind energy turbines in the waters off of Ocean City, announce major expansion plans.

ADU proposal adds to city’s ‘toolbox’

Frederick’s aldermen were discussing a proposal to let homeowners build smaller, secondary homes on their property. The question arose whether that would create more affordable housing. A planner summed the best argument in favor. “It’s a tool in that toolbox,” said Director of Current Planning Gabrielle Collard. She explained that accessory units generally are not significantly more affordable than apartments, but added that the more places where you can create lower-cost housing options, the better.

Does Hogan Care More About Wealthy Corporations Than the Bay?

During Larry Hogan’s campaign to become governor in 2014, he explicitly stated that Maryland must hold Exelon accountable for its pollution coming out of the Conowingo Dam. However, Gov. Hogan has not followed through on his word and has now fumbled on his duties to protect the citizens of Maryland. Instead, Hogan is protecting the most profitable utility in the nation. The Conowingo Dam has continued to impact Chesapeake Bay health since Hurricane Agnes swept through the region in 1972.

The best way to tax polluters, fight climate change and reduce the deficit: Raise the federal gas tax

Last week, Maryland’s Chris Van Hollen and a handful of fellow liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate announced legislation to tax the oil industry on the basis of their greenhouse gas emissions. The Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act, whose sponsors include Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, would charge both U.S. and foreign-based oil extractors and refiners based on the harm their U.S. sales have already done to the planet, meaning Companies like ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron and others would be assessed for past, not current, production.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Pitts Jr.: A fourth Capitol police officer has died by suicide, and still no compassion from the right

Gunther Hashida killed himself last month. We don’t know why. At this writing, we don’t even know how. What we do know is that Hashida, an 18-year veteran of the D.C. police force, is the fourth cop to die by his own hand after responding to the Jan. 6 insurrection by Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol. What we do know, having heard testimony from four of Hashida’s colleagues recently before a House select committee, is that the cost of defending the Capitol was high, both in physical terms — bones broken, eyes gouged, skin split — and in emotional ones.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Winegrad: Chris Phipps is Anne Arundel County’s unsung hero

Just who is Chris Phipps? He is the director of the county Department of Public Works and responsible for many essential daily aspects of our lives that we may take for granted. He is a registered civil engineer and has worked at the department for 26 years, serving as deputy director for 11 years before being appointed to his present position in August 2013. The Department of Public Works operates with a budget of $307 million and 762 employees dedicated to serving 587,000 county residents.

Melissa Maddox-Evans: What does ‘affordable housing’ mean to you

Celebrated PBS documentarian Ken Burns says, “ … everything in American history led up to (the Civil War), and everything since has been a consequence of it.” As startling as his words are, they ring true. Equally true is that public conversations about race and race relations are complicated and fraught with strife, particularly when it comes to the issue of housing. Annapolis is alive with opportunities and traditions. My time here has introduced me to wonderful people who call “Crabtown” home.

Delta has changed the game; it’s time to embrace a national vaccine verification system

In April, as COVID-19 was on the decline in the U.S., and our collective optimism about the pandemic’s end was palpable, the Biden administration insisted that there would be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring a single vaccination credential. Such vaccine verification — the so-called “vaccine passport” — is politically fraught, much like everything else surrounding this pandemic. Today, 20 Republican-controlled states prohibit proof-of-vaccination requirements, and only four states, California, New York, Hawaii and Oregon, have created vaccine verification systems.

Read More: Baltimore Sun
Bracing for a tsunami of evictions, Maryland sounds the alarm

One reason the end of the moratorium on evictions, now postponed to October, is so potentially dire is this: Most tenants who get taken to eviction court will have no legal assistance. That helps explain the urgency of a recent appeal from Maryland’s top legal and judicial officials. State Attorney General Brian E. Frosh (D), along with the chief judge of the state’s highest court, the president of the Bar Association and the head of a state commission on access to justice, have issued a clarion call to the state’s 40,000 attorneys, most of whom rarely offer their services gratis, to volunteer their services in this time of crisis.