Thursday, September 19, 2024 | Baltimore, MD
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Partly Cloudy


McKinney and Orr: Immigration Status Should Not Be a Barrier to Working Family Tax Credits

Most Marylanders would agree economic supports should be available to all who need them. Seeing so many of our neighbors in need of additional financial assistance to continue to weather the COVID-19 pandemic, state leaders smartly looked to maximize one of our most powerful anti-poverty tools, the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Zurawik: An otherwise productive hearing on Capitol attack ruined by presence of Cruz and Hawley

As a media critic, I have developed a pretty high tolerance for hypocrisy. But not when seeing Republican Sens. Ted Cruz, of Texas, and Josh Hawley, of Missouri, Tuesday questioning law enforcement authorities about Capitol security and choices they made before and during an insurrection — an attack that was fueled by a lie that the two senators helped spread. That was too much for me.

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brown wooden tool on white surface
The case against cameras in Maryland courtrooms

The British courts have sweeping bans against press coverage of ongoing trials, and the Federal Judicial Conference, after several experiments, banned broadcast coverage in United States federal courts. Many state courts, too, forbid such recording, including Maryland’s, which in 1981 outlawed the use of electronic news media, cameras and recording devices. It is the only state I know of to impose an unequivocal ban by statute. Two U.S. Supreme Court cases drove much of the thinking in this area.

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Kids already know ‘stop, drop and roll’ for fire emergencies; it’s time to teach ‘stop, wash and mask on’ for COVID-19

We all remember fire drills in school and “stop, drop and roll!” Sure, they were fun — firefighters often came in and showed off their cool gear — but they also prepared us for the exceedingly rare, but very real, possibility of an emergency. There is no doubt that now we are truly in an emergency that none of us can escape from — virus particles literally linger in the air all around us. Students will be returning to schools in greater numbers over the coming weeks with the governor’s push for hybrid learning by March 1.

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Letter to a Young Republican

This week I received a moving note from a young friend of mine. In college, he realized he wanted to make a difference in this world by serving in government. His opinions leaned right, so the Republican Party became the vehicle for that service. He’s spent 10 years working his way up the Washington policy ladder. But now he is dismayed by what the Republican Party has become.

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Opinion: Many Asian-American Voters Support Strong Immigrant Rights Policies

A few years ago, I asked the students in one of my Asian-American studies classes whether they had voted in the 2016 election. Most of the students in the class identified as Asian-American and for many that year was the first time they had reached voting age. If they had not voted, I asked the reason. Beyond the age requirement to cast a ballot in presidential elections, there are other reasons why the students in my classes might not be eligible to vote. Sometimes students are not eligible because they are visiting on international student visas or because they are permanent residents who came to the U.S. at a young age, and have not yet become citizens.

Whitehouse & Kunze: Get the Dirty Sources Out of State’s Renewable Energy Program

Since 2004, Maryland residents have invested millions of dollars in renewable energy sources as we strive to create new energy sector jobs and reduce our carbon emissions in the face of the climate crisis. For 17 years, the Renewable Portfolio Standard has promised to invest ratepayers’ money into new and expanding renewable energy, but dirty energy sources hold it back from meeting that goal. As the state seeks to spur recovery from COVID-19 and spend public money wisely, it is time to address the polluting, carbon-intensive energy sources that remain a big chunk of our Renewable Portfolio Standard.

Sen. Hester and Jennifer Solan: Preparing for the Worst

The arctic blast in Texas and resulting power grid failures is unfortunately only the most recent of many severe weather events. Across Maryland, a recent NOAA study shows the frequency of flooding is dramatically increasing in vulnerable areas like Cambridge, Tolchester Beach, Baltimore City, Annapolis, and Solomons Island. For example, projections for Baltimore City show 5-9 days of flooding will occur in 2020, 15-25 days in 2030, and 50-155 days in 2050. Flash floods, like those experienced in Ellicott City, result in millions of dollars of damage and lost lives.

Zurawik: For a better America, media need to focus on Biden and not fall for Trump’s attempts to distract

In case you thought former President Donald Trump was going to sit quietly in Florida playing bad golf, drinking Diet Cokes and eating cheeseburgers, consider this TV moment from last week. Early Tuesday evening, CNN and other cable channels were focused on President Joe Biden as he boarded Air Force One for a trip to Milwaukee, where he would take part in his first cable news town hall since becoming president.

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Rodricks: Build giant water tanks, land on Mars, keep people from freezing — if we go big, we can do it all

Baltimore now has the largest underground storage tank for drinking water in the whole wide world. That’s according to city officials and engineers who have earned the boast. The massive tank, located in Druid Hill Park, will be tested for leaks next month and, if all goes well, it should be in service to the city’s 1.8 million water customers a year from now. I went out to see it the other day because I wanted to be awed, I needed to be awed. The country has had too many failures. My city has had too many failures. I needed to be reminded of the good and sometimes amazing things we do.

Read More: Baltimore Sun

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