Friday, January 10, 2025 | Baltimore, MD


Proposed Harborplace towers aren’t for the privileged; they’re solidly middle class

The recent unveiling of redevelopment plans for Harborplace has set off a flurry of personal reactions, including within the pages of The Baltimore Sun. Those opposed to the plans have offered several criticisms, but one gripe pops up perhaps more than any other: Building residences will make Harborplace a playground for the rich to the exclusion of everyday Baltimoreans.

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Decisions on gifted and talented students should be about opportunity

Identifying and nurturing the gifted and talented child is one of the most difficult jobs in education today — and one of the most controversial, as well. Who is gifted? In what way? Why are fewer children of color or underprivileged children chosen to receive the additional benefits of accelerated or broadened educational programs?

‘The doors of the church are open’: How one local pastor changed my views on faith forever

“The doors of the church are open.” That’s how the Rev. Grady A. Yeargin Jr. ended almost every one of the hundreds of sermons I heard him preach at the City Temple of Baltimore (Baptist), the Bolton Hill church I attended for half my life. Technically, that meant Sunday’s lessons were now ready to be carried from inside the walls of the building into the world. But if you knew “Rev,” as the kids who grew up at City Temple called him, you knew that openness started with him.

Baltimore Skyline
How the Public Service Commission dimmed the lights on Gov. Wes Moore’s tech ambitions

On Oct. 23, President Joe Biden announced that the Baltimore region had been federally designated as a national tech hub, qualifying much of the state for hundreds of millions of dollars of investment and a potentially bright future in emerging technologies. Local leaders were quick to praise this potentially transformative step that could generate as many as 52,000 jobs, according to the Greater Baltimore Committee.

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camden yards, baltimore, maryland
Dan Rodricks: Why do the Orioles and Ravens need $1.2 billion in stadium improvements?

On the first day of October, Matt Williams, the co-founder and sales director of Mount Royal Soaps in Baltimore, asked me why the Ravens and Orioles needed $600 million each to improve the stadiums where the teams play. “What is wrong with how the stadiums are now?” Williams wondered in an email. “I go to games at both stadiums all year, and the experience is always amazing.”

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Regulation, enforcement and transparency needed to prevent abuse of H2A migrant workers

The billboard shows what looks like a young woman’s hands tied with rope. The words written over the image state “It happens here.” I saw the billboard across the street from a motel in Wicomico County, Maryland, where I met 40-plus migrant seasonal farmworkers from Mexico on H2A visas working on farms in Maryland. The horror of human trafficking, farmworkers tell me, can be true. It is not just about sex trafficking.

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Big public money outlay raises big questions about Harborplace redevelopment

For nearly 2 1/2 hours Monday night, on the fourth floor auditorium at the National Federation of the Blind headquarters in South Baltimore, representatives of MCB Real Estate — including managing partner P. David Bramble — pitched their plan to tear down the Harborplace pavilions and replace them with four new, much taller buildings. Whether they changed a lot of minds in the crowd of about 200 people isn’t clear; more than a few seemed skeptical, particularly of the size and scale of the project, with its estimated $400 million in public investment required.

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Study highlights Quantum Frederick’s huge benefits

When I served as Maryland’s secretary of commerce, I had the privilege of participating in the remarkable transformation of Bethlehem Steel, an abandoned industrial site in Baltimore County, into a 21st-century logistics hub known as Tradepoint Atlantic. Thanks to consensus building between county officials, residents, and the business community, developers put the 3,300-acre site back on the tax rolls, supporting thousands of jobs for Maryland workers, and attracting major employers like Harley-Davidson, Home Depot, and FedEx.


Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. should lead effort to move Lutherville Station forward

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. should lead the effort to gain approval of the zoning necessary for the proposed Lutherville Station transit-oriented development (TOD). It is time for him to demonstrate that his professed commitments to fostering environmentally sustainable and inclusive communities, and to a regional approach to economic and transportation issues, are more than hollow political rhetoric.

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With Red Line, Baltimoreans deserve to see a lot of Purple

It is a busy time to be a data analyst in the Maryland Transit Administration. They’ve likely been working overtime crunching numbers for the anticipated revival of the Red Line. You’ll recall, that’s the east-west Baltimore light rail project that was deep-sixed by Gov. Larry Hogan but is expected to make a return — in some form — under Gov. Wes Moore. What if it’s a rapid transit bus? What if tunnels are or aren’t dug?

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