
May 9, 2022
Where are the mystery costs your pharmacy absorbs and how does it affect your drugs and price?

Nestor and his guests discuss prescription drug pricing and how Pharmacy Benefit Managers impact access and affordability to innovative treatments and medications.

Baltimore Positive
Baltimore Positive
Where are the mystery costs your pharmacy absorbs and how does it affect your drugs and price?
April 28, 2022
A Lobby Special: #DaysBetween

As we reach the end of the Center Maryland #DaysBetween, Damian sits down with Jim Anderson, a former Enterprise real estate executive with first-hand experience with James Rouse and the Columbia project, as well as many other notable developments nationwide. The two share their experiences with the Rouse ideology and tease apart what made him as influential and ahead of his time as he was.

the conference call cover image
The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty
A Lobby Special: #DaysBetween
April 19, 2022
A Conference Call special: Lincoln, Lincoln, and Local Journalism

In this special Conference Call cross-over episode of The Lobby, Damian is joined by CNN political analyst and author John Avlon to talk about the lasting and unseen legacy of the politicking of Abraham Lincoln, and the keys to his success. Later, Damian and John discuss the importance of local journalism in the wake of the launch of the Baltimore Banner, and the effect of dwindling local news around the country.

the conference call cover image
The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty
A Conference Call special: Lincoln, Lincoln, and Local Journalism
April 10, 2022
Believin’ in Evelyn w/ Janssen Evelyn

Candace and Tom celebrate FIVE YEARS of podcasting by hosting a live interview with Howard County Council District 4 candidate Janssen Evelyn. He addressed why housing is one of his top priorities and the way in which art infuses itself into his life. Janssen also recounts some stories from the field as he works to become the first person of color to represent Downtown Columbia on the County Council.

Elevate Maryland
Elevate Maryland
Believin' in Evelyn w/ Janssen Evelyn
April 7, 2022
30. Friendly Neighborhood Pharmacist with Scott Pace and Bretta Grinsteinner

In episode 30 of The Lobby, Damian speaks with Bretta Grinsteinner, a vice-president at EPIC pharmacy, and Scott Pace, an independent pharmacy owner and go-to voice on the relationship between Pharmaceutical Services Administrative Organizations (PSAOs) and pharmacies for the Maryland legislature. Legislation to differentiate between PSAOs and Pharmacy Benefit Managers is moving on for the Governor's signature. Listen as they discuss the bills' paths to victory, independent pharmacies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the importance of Pharmaceutical Services Administrative Organizations.

Center Maryland
Center Maryland
30. Friendly Neighborhood Pharmacist with Scott Pace and Bretta Grinsteinner
April 1, 2022
29. Ukraine, Locally with Senator Jim Rosapepe

In episode 29 of The Lobby, Damian speaks with Senator Jim Rosapepe (MD-21) about the legislative session and the suspension of the gas tax. Then, stick around while the Senator gives his view of the unfolding situation in Ukraine, colored by his own foreign policy experience as the U.S. Ambassador to Romania from 1997-2001.

The Lobby
The Lobby
29. Ukraine, Locally with Senator Jim Rosapepe
March 31, 2022
The power of knowing your neighborhood pharmacist and importance of keeping them in business

How and why independent pharmacists make a difference in your neighborhood. Pharmacist Scott Pace and Bretta Grinsteinner of Epic Pharmacy tell Nestor about the ways government laws and giant pharmacies operate that can hurt small, local business and how we’re correcting that in Maryland.

Baltimore Positive
Baltimore Positive
The power of knowing your neighborhood pharmacist and importance of keeping them in business
March 23, 2022
28. Faith-based Care with Ed Lovern

In episode 28 of The Lobby, Damian speaks with Ascension St. Agnes President and CEO Ed Lovern about his path to Ascension and what drew him to Maryland. Join us for a discussion on what makes the Maryland medical system unique, and what Ascension St. Agnes brings to the equation. Then, stick around for a special Catonsville shoutout.

The Lobby
The Lobby
28. Faith-based Care with Ed Lovern