The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty

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August 26, 2020
07. Reading List for a Common Language with Senator McCray and Delegate Korman

The chasms between rural and urban districts have widened. How are state legislators bridging the divide to find common ground and keep the train on the rails?

the conference call cover image
The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty
07. Reading List for a Common Language with Senator McCray and Delegate Korman
August 10, 2020
06. The Value of Being Local with Alicia Wilson

Join us for a discussion with the Vice President of Economic Development for Johns Hopkins University and Medical system and stalwart community advocate, Alicia Wilson.

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The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty
06. The Value of Being Local with Alicia Wilson
May 19, 2020
05. The digital divide before and after a global pandemic with Gigi Sohn

In episode five, Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy and Benton Senior Fellow, Gigi Sohn explains the digital access divide as framed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our first four conversations with medical professionals, we talked about the current crisis and the tool kits being utilized by caregivers to meet the current need. Telehealth, often requiring stable access to broadband, has been critical in flattening the curve and isn't easily attainable in communities without widespread access to broadband. That's where Sohn comes in.

the conference call cover image
The Conference Call with Damian O'Doherty
05. The digital divide before and after a global pandemic with Gigi Sohn