Monday, March 10, 2025 | Baltimore, MD


Rodricks: Stitching together new lives after prison

“So hope for a great sea-change on the far side of revenge,” goes a verse by Irish poet Seamus Heaney. “Believe that a further shore is reachable from here. Believe in miracles and cures and healing wells.” With empathy having been declared the hallmark of the Joe Biden time in America — the new president asking us to heal, fix what’s broken and look to the future — I find it difficult, in the moment, to ask too many questions about the past.

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Zurawik: Big story, great music, fine acting drive Aretha Franklin series on National Geographic

In the first hour of “Genius: Aretha,” an eight-part dramatization on the life of singer Aretha Franklin, there’s a scene set in 1967 in the legendary Fame recording studios at Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Franklin is at the piano trying to establish musical rapport with a group of white sidemen she has never met, brought in by celebrated R&B producer Jerry Wexler. Things are not going well. And then after yet another blown take and a whispered admonition from Wexler to be herself, Franklin starts playing on the piano gospel chords remembered from her Sundays as a little girl singing in the Detroit church of her father the Rev. C.L. Franklin.

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Brooks: Joe Biden is a transformational president

This has been one of the most quietly consequential weeks in recent American politics. The COVID-19 relief law that was just enacted is one of the most important pieces of legislation of our lifetimes. As Eric Levitz writes in New York magazine, the poorest fifth of households will see their income rise by 20%; a family of four with one working and one unemployed parent will receive $12,460 in benefits. Child poverty will be cut in half.

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Editorial: Michael Regan: Chesapeake Bay’s man of the hour

The headquarters of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is located on Pennsylvania Avenue just blocks from the White House and a pleasant midday stroll to the Potomac River, the second largest tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Michael S. Regan ought to go check out the view. The EPA’s new administrator, handily confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Wednesday by a 66-34 vote, could scarcely find a better first-year project to tackle than cleaning up the nation’s largest estuary.

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Poll: Black Marylanders embrace COVID-19 vaccine; rate discrepancies persist

Vaccine hesitancy among Black Marylanders has plummeted. Sixty percent of Black residents say they will either get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can or indicate they’ve already received at least one dose, according to the most recent Goucher College Poll. That’s the same percentage who said they would not get such a vaccine just five months ago. The causes and public health implications of this dramatic shift are worth considering, as are some potential blind spots of the data. For starters, the drop in hesitancy didn’t just happen, nor can it just be explained simply by the availability of the vaccine.

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Baltimore public works leadership: It’s about performance, not pay

The cost to replace a water main can run thousands of dollars per foot. Heck, a single backhoe to dig out a faulty drainage pipe might be $75,000, not including the operator’s pay. But all that pales compared to the expense of eliminating sewage overflows from Baltimore’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant: The ongoing, court-supervised Headworks Project carries a price tag of $430 million at last check. So, if there’s one thing Baltimore needs desperately, it’s a highly qualified person supervising these concerns. Too much is at stake to consider any other strategy. We need a Tom Brady to quarterback the team.

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School reopening in Montgomery County is a matter of equity

Minorities in our country, specifically African Americans, have been unfairly treated by the medical establishment for centuries. This long history of abuse and severe lack of trust has exacerbated the equity chasm during the coronavirus pandemic and may make recovery — from medical, economic and educational standpoints — that much harder for our most affected communities.

People on a video call
Telemedicine flourished amid the pandemic, here’s how to keep it going – and why

In 2014, the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) issued a comprehensive report, with excellent recommendations to help expand the use of what is known as telemedicine or telehealth. Here’s the basic idea: Since most people have access to smartphones or computers, some aspects of health care can and should go online. This wasn’t a revolutionary notion, given the general migration of most industries, such as retail and travel, to online platforms. Health care had been slow to the game, however, and MHCC noted that in the prior year, only 16 practitioners in the state had submitted telemedicine claims to payers, representing a very small percentage of annual health care visits by Marylanders.

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Want to help Maryland’s youth? Hire more health instructors and stop arguing over common sense legislation

You may have heard that things are quite different in the operations of this year’s Maryland General Assembly. Yes, there is virtual participation and livestreaming of sessions not experienced before. However, our organization watches all bills that come through session, carefully considering the impact of legislation and reforms affecting gender justice. And from what we’ve seen thus far, our legislators are still subject to distractions by those who do not want to acknowledge the basic rights and realities of our youth.

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Our View: For most, for now, the answer to your COVID questions is, ‘wait your turn’

As County Commissioner Ed Rothstein and County Health Officer Ed Singer answered COVID-19 questions for more than 90 minutes during a virtual town hall Tuesday, one thing became abundantly clear. No one can understand why they haven’t already been vaccinated. Regardless of age, with or without pre-existing conditions, everyone thinks they have been wronged by being forced to wait. It’s understandable. Telling people to wait their turn for a trip to the buffet or for a Black Friday sale is one thing. Telling them to wait their turn to get a dose of vaccine that could save their life or end a too-long stint of being a prisoner in their own home is a much harder sell.

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