Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Baltimore, MD


Study highlights Quantum Frederick’s huge benefits

When I served as Maryland’s secretary of commerce, I had the privilege of participating in the remarkable transformation of Bethlehem Steel, an abandoned industrial site in Baltimore County, into a 21st-century logistics hub known as Tradepoint Atlantic. Thanks to consensus building between county officials, residents, and the business community, developers put the 3,300-acre site back on the tax rolls, supporting thousands of jobs for Maryland workers, and attracting major employers like Harley-Davidson, Home Depot, and FedEx.

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. should lead effort to move Lutherville Station forward

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. should lead the effort to gain approval of the zoning necessary for the proposed Lutherville Station transit-oriented development (TOD). It is time for him to demonstrate that his professed commitments to fostering environmentally sustainable and inclusive communities, and to a regional approach to economic and transportation issues, are more than hollow political rhetoric.

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With Red Line, Baltimoreans deserve to see a lot of Purple

It is a busy time to be a data analyst in the Maryland Transit Administration. They’ve likely been working overtime crunching numbers for the anticipated revival of the Red Line. You’ll recall, that’s the east-west Baltimore light rail project that was deep-sixed by Gov. Larry Hogan but is expected to make a return — in some form — under Gov. Wes Moore. What if it’s a rapid transit bus? What if tunnels are or aren’t dug?

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Maryland’s plain language approach promotes information accessibility for all

The writer is a health literacy and health communication expert, director of the University of Maryland Horowitz Center for Health Literacy and a professor in the University of Maryland School of Public Health’s Department of Behavioral and Community Health. Maryland residents have a lot to cheer about with the state’s focus on plain language public information.

Congress is a train wreck. These Marylanders want the job anyway

This is the first in an occasional series on the 2023 election for Congress in Maryland Sarah Elfreth eased into the dimly lit, crowded interior of the Eastport Democratic Club just as The Leftovers were finishing their Wednesday night set. Michael Hughes, an affable MC who reminds members to tip the bands and bartenders generously, stepped in front of the mic and apologized for what he was about to say.

camden yards, baltimore, maryland
David Plymyer: Everyone makes mistakes. And the Orioles-Stadium Authority deal should be renegotiated.

As the afterglow from the Baltimore Orioles’ marvelous season subsides and scrutiny of the proposed stadium deal between the Orioles and the state intensifies, one thing is clear: In the staring contest between Orioles owner John Angelos and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D), Moore blinked first. Moore’s overeagerness to sign the Orioles to a long-term lease produced a non binding “memorandum of understanding” between the Orioles and the state that has drawn heavy criticism from multiple sources. For example, the editorial advisory board of the The Daily Record pulled no punches, labelling it a “bad deal.”

Maryland will prioritize wronged Black farmers for cannabis business licenses; here’s why

On Oct. 9, the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) began accepting applications for the first cannabis business licenses to be issued pursuant to the Cannabis Reform Act — the new state law legalizing the cultivation, manufacture and sale of cannabis for adult consumers. A total of five licenses to cultivate cannabis will be available in this first application round (there are 22 businesses currently authorized to grow cannabis in the state), which ends Dec. 7.

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I’m a veteran of Harborplace. I’m not sure the new designs are for me.

I had been looking forward to news about the possible replacements for Harborplace — the 43-year-old former jewel in the Baltimore tourism crown — with the same fevered anticipation with which I await each new “Dancing With The Stars” cast. Which is to say I’ve been giddy. Seriously psyched. If you didn’t grow up here, those old, faded green buildings at Pratt and Light streets might seem useless, an empty shell of yesteryear.

Western Marylanders find common ground on policies to address addiction crisis

This past weekend, Congressman David Trone (D-6th) met with constituents to discuss the findings of a new survey of residents of Maryland’s 6th district on how the federal government should address substance use disorders. This has been a major issue in the state. Maryland has the highest overdose death rate among all deaths, with 4.68% of annual deaths attributed to drug overdoses. The impacts of this crisis have hit every part of the state, in particular rural communities in Western Maryland.

Dan Rodricks: A few questions for Angela Alsobrooks, candidate for the U.S. Senate

Before we met for coffee at Dooby’s on Charles Street, I had never met Angela Alsobrooks. She’s running to succeed Ben Cardin in the U.S. Senate, and while she’s racked up a bunch of endorsements from Maryland Democratic leaders, she’s still barely known in the Baltimore region. So, in this second column on the candidate, a few questions of the biographical kind.

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